Just wanted to share a FREE Quick Page I made from the recent (well sort of recent any way) blog train called KICK START MY HEART. If you have not checked it out go to PINK'S Blog. She did an awesome job on her portion which is the digital creation came from to make this page. I also wanted to let all who download it know that the Alpha you see on the page is NOT part of the blog train. It's called "Hole-Hearted" by Anke and you can download it or donate to the author by visitng: Amazon or Etsy Wishlist can be found at, just click on the "Thank You." Have fun and Happy Scrapping!
Just wanted to share a FREE Quick Page I made from the recent (well sort of recent any way) blog train called KICK START MY HEART. If you have not checked it out go to PINK'S Blog. She did an awesome job on her portion which is the digital creation came from to make this page. I also wanted to let all who download it know that the Alpha you see on the page is NOT part of the blog train. It's called "Hole-Hearted" by Anke and you can download it or donate to the author by visitng: Amazon or Etsy Wishlist can be found at, just click on the "Thank You." Have fun and Happy Scrapping!
You can snag it HERE